mardi 14 mai 2013

How To Lower Body Fat

Reduce Body Fat

To Reduce body fat and build lean shapely muscles you need a realistic plan. You must learn first what to do and put it into practice. You need to eat nutrient rich foods, do intense resistance strength training, drink water and sleep your proper amounts. You want to build muscle for burning calories. Find the right fat loss program for you. Make it a habit to achieve fitness and health

Ready for this? This is a completely unedited look at what has worked best for me when it comes to reducing body fat, toning up, and getting ripped.

Let’s get to it…

- Eat to Support Your Own Goals

I know, you hear about healthy eating all the time. But I’m going to put a bit of a spin on this old tip: Eat in a way that supports your own fitness and weight loss goals! For me, given that I was working out and lifting weights 4-5 times a week, it was necessary that I eat frequently and get a lot of extra protein in my diet.

Aside from that, the basic rules applied. The more I learned about healthy eating, the more I implemented in my daily living and hence why I started this blog so I could pass on that info to you guys. I cut out white flour and white rice as much as possible, cut back on sugar and sodium, and overall ate more whole foods versus processed foods. Take it slow, and make small changes over time!

Once you get into the momentum of eating healthy you will realize how good your body feels receiving all these nutrients and your view of junk foods will change because they won’t have the same satisfaction after eating health foods.

- Implement Resistance Training with Weights

Without a doubt, the most significant transformation I’ve made in my own life to reduce body fat has been weight lifting. Whether you’re a man or a woman, lifting weights and building lean muscle mass is one of the most effective methods of weight loss. This is because the more lean muscle mass you have, the more calories and fat your body burns on a daily basis, but also your confidence increases, your energy levels increase and it causes a cataclysmic chain of positive events in your life.

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