Weight Loss 5 Tips for Men
If you’re a man who’s trying to lose weight and get fit, you’ve probably noticed that most of the books, magazines, and programs on these subjects aren’t really aimed at you. Most are for women. And the others seem to have bodybuilders and competitive athletes in mind—not regular guys who simply want to get in shape.
Now you'll find me a solution
1: Be cautious what you eat
So, try to make most of the foods you eat be healthy and unprocessed. Don’t be embarrassed to eat a salad. And, when you are hanging out with the guys, you can splurge and eat the huge burger and fries or pizza that you would normally eat
2: Only Moderate Exercise
Men at your age should not suddenly start to do vigorous exercise. In fact, anyone who is overweight is not supposed to, according to what doctors say.
Not to worry though, because exercise is not the key to losing weight. But it can help accelerate your weight losses and make you feel better and keep away your hunger pangs so it is no bad thing.
3: Get plenty of rest.
Adequate sleep is important for many reasons. It allows your body to rest and renew itself, keeps stress hormones at a minimal level, and helps your muscles and joints recover after a workout.
While insomnia is a common complaint among older people, it's not a normal part of the aging process.
If you have trouble falling or staying asleep, adding regular exercise to your daily routine can help. Daily exposure to sunlight has also been linked to improved sleep quality.
If you think you might need a sleep aid, ask your doctor to recommend one that won't leave you groggy the next morning.
4: Don’t snack at night
Mindless eating is what causes many people to either gain weight, or prevents them from losing weight. Most people do this when they are watching TV at night. Some people may even eat just as many calories that they have eaten for the whole day while they are snacking at night. So, if you make a rule that you aren’t allowed to eat anything after dinner, or even just allow yourself to have one healthy snack, it may make a huge difference.
Mindless eating is what causes many people to either gain weight, or prevents them from losing weight. Most people do this when they are watching TV at night. Some people may even eat just as many calories that they have eaten for the whole day while they are snacking at night. So, if you make a rule that you aren’t allowed to eat anything after dinner, or even just allow yourself to have one healthy snack, it may make a huge difference.
5: Watch what you are drinking
A lot of men like to drink beer. And, the heavier the beer, or the higher the alcohol content, usually the better it tastes. But, that also means that it most likely contains a lot more calories. When you are out having a few drinks with your friends, the calories can add up. Let’s say that the 12 oz beer you are drinking has 180 calories in it, and you drink 5 of them. That’s an extra 720 calories! You may want to look into a light beer, or if you don’t want to drink that, try a lower calorie mixed drink such as a vodka tonic.
A lot of men like to drink beer. And, the heavier the beer, or the higher the alcohol content, usually the better it tastes. But, that also means that it most likely contains a lot more calories. When you are out having a few drinks with your friends, the calories can add up. Let’s say that the 12 oz beer you are drinking has 180 calories in it, and you drink 5 of them. That’s an extra 720 calories! You may want to look into a light beer, or if you don’t want to drink that, try a lower calorie mixed drink such as a vodka tonic.
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