Exercise is one of the first things that should be incorporated into a weight loss program. However, many people do not know where to start or which exercises will give them the results they want. So, what is the best exercise to lose weight? Well this can depend on a lot factors, such a person\'s age, sex, health and lifestyle. Following we will discuss 5 exercises that work for most people and can help take the weight off fast. They are:
1) Aerobic Workouts
Aerobic workouts such as Taebo, Zumba and Step Aerobics are great for shedding the pounds. These exercises tend to burn high amounts of calories.
These types of workouts also reduce blood pressure, reduce the risk of heart attacks or strokes and give you increased Energy Levels.
For best results, engage in an aerobic activity 3 to 5 times weekly for at least 30 minutes.
2) Cycling
The benefits of cycling for weight loss
If you haven\'t already, you should definitely look to incorporate some bike work into your workouts - even a simple thing like cycling to work everyday instead of catching the bus or taking the car can have a profound effect on your weight loss success.
3) Swimming
4) Running Or Jogging
The timeless favourite to get fit and lose weight. Most lose weight exercise programs will inevitably include some running or jogging at some point. The great thing about using jogging as an exercise to lose weight is you can do it pretty much anywhere, and you don\'t need any equipment. If you are a member of a gym, why not include an intense run on the running machine as a good warm up before your session.
In addition, go for runs outside in your local park or similar area, it will be less boring than the machines at the gym!
The other great thing about running is that it\'s easy to track your progress and see your improvement over time, with greater distances run in quicker times, and improved recovery rates - not to mention a noticeable weight loss.
If you are not able to run or jog, don\'t worry. Go for long brisk walks and try to improve your times as you progress. Many people pooh-pooh walking as an exercise to help them lose weight, but if done on a regular basis with a good pace you can begin to see dramatic results, and, more importantly, the progress you make will inspire you to continue with your exercise program.
My uncle suffered from heart and weight problems and was literally at death\'s door. The doctors advised him to change his diet and begin taking regular walks every day, so he did. Today, he is in much better shape and continues to get up early in the morning and walk for a good couple of hours. He has lowered his blood pressure as well as losing fat, and this change of lifestyle and exercise has literally transformed him. Never underestimate the power of even the simplest of exercises.
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